Welcome to emotional riots’ world

This is Amaury, expressing myself through photography

Thank you for being here, enjoy the visit.

About me

Hi, my name is Amaury Browaeys and thank you for reading me

Photography came to me by chance, although I am not one to believe in chance. Indeed, I have always enjoyed looking at photographer’s pictures like Cartier-Bresson, Viviane Maier, Mary Ellen Mark but also more fashion oriented photographers like the great Peter Lindberg or recently Hugo Comte. For a long time unconscious of my deep artistic sensibility, that I was completely denying, I have however always enjoyed photographing my friends, who also liked to be photographed by my eye and my second-hand Canon. But life catches up with us and photography came more seriously into my life at a particular emotional moment. As a main means of expression, I have become more aware of my special eye, and it helped me enormously to express emotions buried within me that I was not even consciously aware of. I truly believe in the power of a photography.